Would Shale Impede or Accelerate the Global Energy Transition?

Trisha Curtis, President and CEO of PetroNerds, presented at a joint KAPSARC (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center) and OIES (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies) webinar December 9th, 2020 on shale’s role in the energy transition. “Would shale impede or accelerate the energy transition?”

PetroNerds discussed US shale in great detail. “US shale has already impeded the energy transition in the sense that it has driven the cost of supply lower and changed the way operators do business and the way countries think about the role of supply. US shale, shale abroad, and technologies pioneered by shale, but used in more conventional reservoirs will likely impede the so called ‘energy transition’ because it is driving down the cost of crude oil supplies which renewables, in the form of transportation technologies, will have to compete with.”


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